Say hello to the most expensive popcorn in the world, Berco’s Billion Dollar Popcorn. Made with the finest ingredients collected from around the globe, including the world’s most expensive salt (Laeso salt), butter from Vermont Creamery, Nielsen Massey Bourbon Vanilla, and organic sugar for caramel, all covered in 23-karat edible gold flakes. One tin of this luxurious snack will set you back $250, and 6.5 gallons will cost you $2,500.
“Some of you might ask why I would do something like this especially given the current state of the global economy. Simple, I can give back even more! A 2 gallon tin of The Best Caramel Corn Ever pays for a meal, A 2 gallon tin of Berco’s Billion Dollar Popcorn feeds 200! So to all of you billionaire’s out there… “ said Matt Bercovitz
So to all of you billionaires out there…. popcorn anyone?
This crazy expensive popcorn is available at Berco’s website.
How about just feed the 200 people and stop scamming others out of $2500