French fashion house Louis Vuitton presents a new short film “Bubbling with Elegance” showcasing the history of the simple bucket bag. Originally released in 1932, this icon represents the second Louis Vuitton handbag in history. From Louis Vuitton:
“The story of its creation? Well, that’s the stuff of legend. Looking for a stylish way to transport his valuable vintages, a champagne producer placed a special order with Gaston-Louis Vuitton. He designed a timelessly simple bucket shape, which could hold four bottles upright and a fifth upside down, secured with a supple leather drawstring. The original model crafted from natural leather, pale gold like the champagne it was destined to carry, and light as its exuberant ribbons of bubbles and since then has appeared in many guises – most famously, of course, Louis Vuitton’s emblematic Monogram canvas.”