Bran Castle, often referred to as “Dracula’s Castle,” is located near Bran, close to Brașov, Romania, and is not for sale. Recently, the UK tabloid The Telegraph published an article suggesting that people could acquire a stake in the castle. However, Romanian media has dismissed this as a persistent but unfounded rumor. Bran Castle holds great historical significance for Romania. Completed in 1388, it served as a fortress on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia and played a crucial role in efforts to halt the expansion of the Ottoman Empire.
“Because Bran Castle is the only castle in all of Transylvania that actually fits Bram Stoker’s description of Dracula’s Castle, it is known throughout the world as Dracula’s Castle. Visitors to Bran Castle should make the distinction between the historic reality of Bran and the character of the Count in Bram Stoker’s novel,” the Bran Castle website states. “Dracula exists in the imagination.”
The current owners of Bran Castle are Archduke Dominic and his sisters, Archduchess Maria Magdalena and Archduchess Elisabeth, who regained the property from the state in 2009 after a lengthy court battle. The castle is now a museum open to tourists, showcasing art and furniture collected by Queen Marie.

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