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I Want to Sell My House and Buy My Dream, Luxury Home – Top Tips for Buying Your Forever Home

Luxury Home

For a while now you’ve been thinking, “I want to sell my house and buy that dream, luxury property”, but how do you secure the home of your dreams in this increasingly competitive market?

Well, look no further, because we’ve put together some handy tips that’ll help you secure your forever home – and at the price you want to pay. So, sharpen your elbows, get your estate agent on speed dial and read on!

Get to Work with the Estate Agent

Some of us immediately get our hackles up when we deal with estate agents because, over the years, they’ve developed a bad reputation. However, if you’re going to be asking them that all-important question, “Can you sell my house” or you want them to negotiate the best possible price on a luxury property, getting them on your side is a must. That’s why, when you’re requesting viewings with companies like Andrews Online, you can create a great first impression by submitting your mortgage arrangements and requirements in writing.

Many estate agents marketing a luxury property will be inundated with prospective buyers, so you need to make sure you stand out from the crowd.

Start to Get More Information from the Estate Agent

Now you’ve managed to gain your agent’s confidence, it’s time to put this relationship to good use. Start trying to get some information out of them, such as how long the property’s been on the market for, how many offers have already been submitted and what the lowest possible price is.

You might think this is a waste of time but you’ll probably be surprised, especially if you’ve already gone to the effort of making them aware just how serious you are as a buyer.

Chat to the Vendors

There are some other people who hold valuable information about your dream property – the vendors. So, try to make a good first impression on these too so you can gather even more information about the property.

As you chat to them, try to find out why they’re leaving (this should indicate how urgent the sale is), and ask them what their neighbours are like. Look for any tell-tale signs of problems with knowing glances or subtle winces.

You should also find out whether you’ve got any competition too, saying you can’t imagine you’re the only set of people to have made an offer on this stunning property. If they mention other offers, start talking about getting a surveyor round to see if your rival buyer has already made this step or not.

Be Formal in Your Offer and Savvy in Your Sale

If you do decide you want to place a bid on a property, do this in writing. This helps to formalise the arrangement and, if your offer’s accepted, ask the vendors and estate agent to take the property off the market.

To check this has been done, get a friend to call the estate agents and say, “I’m looking to sell my house and am particularly interested in [insert property name], is it still for sale?”

Armed with all of these tips and some savvy question-asking skills, you should be securing your dream luxury property in no time at all.




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