Deus Japan introduced a new project called ‘Dirt Dauber,’ based on a 2002 Yamaha TW225. In Japan, the TW is more synonymous with the early 90’s ‘Suka-Tune’ era of custom bikes.
In typical Suka-Tune fashion the TW225 comes with the chassis, subframe, and everything else on full display.
According to Deus Japan Bike Builder, Tomoyuki Soeda, whose ridden more than his fair share of bikes over the years, there is no other motorcycle out there as functional or perfectly sized than the TW.
Tomoyuki injected some old-school flavor into the bike.
This contemporary one-off build comes with a bespoke framework, a classic round headlight with a yellow lens, circular taillight, Brembo brakes with a 40mm caliper and a deep royal blue livery with a bright orange ‘Deus’ script logo.
Photos by Toyohiro Zenita / Courtesy of Deus