Glamorous Marilyn Monroe mirror donated for charity

Created by Southport artist Clare Wright, this stunning mirrored aluminium recreation of the blonde actress Marilyn Monroe will help raise money for the Marina Dalglish appeal. The creation is part of a limited edition series of 50 , and each recreation will be adorned with £500 worth of Swarovski crystals. She shared :

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Blinged baby skull by Damien Hirst

Damien Hirst, the British artist has used an infant’s skull to create his latest work “For Heaven’s Sake” . The metal skull art is cast in platinum and covered with more than 8,100 diamonds by the royal jewellers Bentley & Skinner. Hirst acquired the child’s skull from which he drew inspiration when he bought a … Read more

Polaroid And Lady Gaga Introduce Grey GL30 Instant Camera

Polaroid’s Creative Director Lady Gaga and Polaroid introduced their latest product, the GL30 Instant Camera. The camera is fully digital, but combines the technology for which Polaroid are famous for and looks like an old-fashioned Polaroid camera. The camera is fitted with a

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Metronome’s Kalista Ultimate SE CD transport for $77000

The French company Metronome Technologie, unveiled their Kalista Ultimate SE CD transport and it costs about £50,000 ($77,000 ).Designed to deliver the high quality CD sound, the new CD transport features the Philips CDM12 PRO 2 pickup mechanism with custom modifications and new clamp. More images and the technical specifications after the jump !

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Givenchy Leather Masks from Spring 2011 Accessories

Givenchy featured a leather mask in their Spring/Summer 2011 accessories collection for men in Paris. No one expected the French luxury fashion house to actually release the masks. Available in two colors, black and white. Thoughts??? Photo courtesy of Givenchy

Fendi iPhone 4 & iPad Cases

Just in time for christmas , Italian fashion house Fendi is joining the growing list of fashion houses to release iPhone and iPad cases. The case is made of rubber and not leather, as one might expect, and features the FF logo-embossed throughout

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